Health Insurance Fraud and Identity Theft Protection - Exact Insure
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Health Insurance Fraud and Identity Theft Protection

Health Insurance Fraud and Identity Theft Protection

The recent Anthem data breach, along with many other cyber attacks, has left many individuals concerned about the security of their personal information. Identity theft can take many shapes and forms. A thief may use personal information to open new credit accounts, have your existing credit cards reissued to their address, take out loans under your name, and more. A new type of fraud is becoming increasingly common, referred to as “health insurance fraud.”  In health insurance fraud, the thief sells the information to an individual who uses the victim’s health insurance information to obtain medical services. When the victim receives unexplained medical bills for services that they, themselves, did not receive, they are faced with a very long road of disputing those bills, and all too often are not successful in their efforts.

It is important for past and present Anthem members to know that Anthem has partnered with AllClear ID to offer identity theft protection free of charge to all current or former members of an affected plan dating back to 2004. Through this program, AllClear will work on the member’s behalf to recover financial losses, restore credit, and return the member’s identity to its proper state. Affected members may also sign up for two years of ongoing identity theft protection, free of charge, which includes credit monitoring and identity theft insurance. For more information on this service, visit

Exact Insure partners with Legal Shield to make identity theft protection available to our clients. Legal Shield’s identity theft protection is one of the only plans to cover health insurance fraud, and it is the only plan which works in conjunction with a legal plan, so that the participant is protected legally, in case they were to be sued as a result of the identity theft.  If you would like more information about this affordable service, please contact Exact Insure at 317-686-7987.

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