Can Buttered Coffee Increase Energy and Focus? - Exact Insure
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Can Buttered Coffee Increase Energy and Focus?

Can Buttered Coffee Increase Energy and Focus?

Have your heard about the latest coffee craze? This craze may seem crazy, but numerous sources – from Prevention Magazine to Dr. Oz – are recommending drinking buttered coffee on a daily basis.kerrygold butter

Dr. Oz’s recommendation is simple. Instead of adding sugar to your coffee, add a tablespoon of butter to one cup coffee, whisk, and enjoy. He says that the butter allows the caffeine to remain active in your system longer, giving you a more sustained boost of energy. He recommends drinking this concoction twice during the day – around 9:30 in the morning, and 1:30 in the afternoon.

coconut oilPrevention Magazine’s recipe is based off of the book, The Bulletproof Diet, by Dave Asprey. “Bulletproof coffee” is a blend of one cup of coffee, one tablespoon unsalted, grass-fed butter, and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Blend for ten seconds, and enjoy in place of breakfast each day. Asprey claims that this will lead to weight loss, as well as boosting energy and improving focus.

I was skeptical at first, but after trying the Bulletproof version for a few days, I’m a believer. Though it’s too early to report any weight loss, I have noticed a significant energy boost, even on days when I was functioning on very little sleep, and my mental clarity and focus seem to have improved, as well.

As an added bonus, the coffee tastes surprisingly good – like a rich latte. I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I’ve tried (and enjoyed) adding agave nectar and vanilla, as well as cinnamon. Possibly my favorite was when I added two drops of peppermint oil and achieved a healthy version of Starbuck’s White Peppermint Mocha!

With many health experts agreeing that the concerns over saturated fat were overstated, and that the real enemy is sugar and carbohydrates, giving it a shot seems to be a harmless exercise, at worst, and a health and productivity booster at best. Especially as more and more studies reveal healthy benefits to drinking coffee, such as these, recently tweeted by @5RulesHW:

benefits of coffee


Give it a shot, and tell us what you think!


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