Stay Active for Heart & Brain Health - Exact Insure
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Stay Active for Heart & Brain Health

Stay Active for Heart & Brain Health

lounging is bad for your heartWhile it may seem like common sense, sitting too much or simply living a stagnant lifestyle is not healthy for your heart. In fact, lounging around can harm your heart and may also be harmful to your brain.

In a recent new study, it was discovered that the act of sitting for hours a day can thin the tissue in your brain that is related to memory.

“”We found that sedentary behavior, but not [levels of] physical activity, was associated with less thickness of the medial temporal lobe,” a brain region that’s crucial to the formation of new memories, explained a team led by Prabha Siddarth. Siddarth is a biostatistician at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior.”

Read Full Article: Too Much Sitting is Bad for Brain: Study |

Research is still being done to determine if a more active lifestyle could have a positive effect on patients experiencing dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other health problems related to the brain and memory. It is always best to stay active, even if you’re job or lifestyle requires that you sit for long periods of time.

How can you stay active? As the weather gets warmer, you can get outside. Below are some suggestions that will help you stay active.

  • Take a daily walk or run
  • Ride a bicycle
  • Start a daily exercise routine
  • Take a yoga class
  • Practice ergonomics

Don’t harm your heart or your brain. A key to staying healthy is to stay active… for both your body, mind, and soul!

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