08 Nov What You Need to Know About Open Enrollment
It’s that time of year again. Open Enrollment begins November 15th – just one week away – and ends February 15th, 2015. Here’s a quick summary of what you need to know beforehand. Specific information is provided for those who do not have a health care plan, those who are already on Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans, and those who remain on non-ACA, “grandfathered” plans.
If you don’t currently have a health care plan
If you do not currently have a health care plan, it is important that you understand the risks of this decision. First, there is a federal penalty for failure to carry health insurance, and it is rising in 2015. The new penalty will be 2% of your income, or $325, whichever is greater. So, a person who earns $60,000 per year will pay $1200 in penalties, which is often far greater than their insurance would have cost once subsidies were applied.

“Philadelphia Fire Department medic unit” by Jeffrey M. Vinocur – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons
In addition, if you or someone in your family has an accident or receives a diagnosis for an illness, the cost of failure to carry health insurance will likely become all too evident and much greater than any penalty the government could impose.
We hope that you will consider enrolling in a health care plan during this Open Enrollment season, which runs from November 15th through February 15th. If you miss the February 15 deadline, you will not be able to enroll for health insurance in 2015, unless you have a qualifying event, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a baby, or adoption.
An experienced insurance agent can help you navigate this difficult process, at no cost to you. If you are an Indiana or Kentucky resident, simply click on the “FREE QUOTE” button, above, or call us at 317-686-7987, for assistance.
If you have an ACA (Affordable Care Act) plan:
All 2014 ACA plans will end on December 31, 2014, regardless of when the plan was instated. As long as you are current on your health plan payments, you will be automatically re-enrolled in the same plan, if that plan is still available. If that plan is no longer available, your insurance company will enroll you in a similar plan. Either way, you will receive notification from your insurance company with the plan information.
However, we strongly advise you to take an active roll in your 2015 enrollment, for several reasons:
- Your rates may go up, even if your plan remains the same, but your subsidy will not be increased automatically. Or, worse, your subsidy might be removed entirely.
- The network of doctors covered under your plan may change, and your preferred provider may no longer be covered under that plan.
- As health plans are changing in 2015, you may benefit from changing your plan.
- Finally, the ACA requires that you update your household and income information on an annual basis.
It’s important to note that, in order for the changes to your plan to go into effect January 1 – including keeping or updating your subsidy – you must complete those changes by December 15. If you miss the December 15 deadline, but complete them by January 15, the changed coverage will go into effect on February 1. If you miss that deadline but complete them by February 15, your changes will go into effect March 1. If you do not make changes before February 15, you will be ineligible to make changes for 2015, unless you experience a major change in circumstances, such as having a baby or adopting a child, moving, losing your coverage due to job loss, or marriage or divorce.
While you can navigate this process directly with your insurance provider, or via www.healthcare.gov, we highly recommend that you work with a trusted insurance agent to help guide you through these confusing and murky waters. An experienced agent will be familiar with all plan options available to you, and can help save you a lot of the headaches that can come along with going it alone. An agent provides their services at no cost to you. The price of your health care plan remains the same, but you will enjoy a much higher level of service than attempting to deal with the large call centers of the government or insurance company.
Indiana and Kentucky residents can contact Exact Insure and take advantage of our experience and knowledge as they enroll for their 2015 health care coverage. Simply click on the “FREE QUOTE” button at the top of this page, or call us at 317-686-7987. We will respond quickly to provide you with the information you need to make the best possible selection for you and your family.
If you have a grandfathered, non-ACA plan:
Grandfathered plans are those that were purchased before March 23, 2010, and have remained unchanged in the intervening years. There are relatively few individuals who are still on grandfathered plans. Grandfathered plans do not have to abide by the rules and regulations of the ACA, and therefore are generally less expensive.
Unfortunately, many of those individuals who still have grandfathered plans will have to move into ACA plans in 2015. While the White House has said that grandfathered plans can be extended to 2017, some states are not allowing grandfathered plans to continue in 2015. This is not the case for Indiana and Kentucky, where Exact Insure is licensed. However, due to the cost of attempting to provide customer service for grandfathered plans, many insurance companies, including Anthem, are transitioning their grandfathered plans to ACA-compliant plans.
Thus, while there are a few individuals who will be able to maintain their grandfathered plans in 2015, chances are good that yours will be transitioned to an ACA-compliant plan. If this is the case, your carrier will send notification of this, and will automatically enroll you in an ACA-compliant plan that they deem similar. We highly recommend that you contact Exact Insure or your agent to explore your options. To contact Exact Insure, simply click on the “FREE QUOTE” button, or call us at 317-686-7987.
The world of health insurance is constantly changing. Regardless of the type of plan you’re currently on – no plan at all, ACA-compliant, or a “grandfathered” non-ACA plan – a lack of action during Open Enrollment will likely cost you money and frustration. Contact an insurance agent today for help navigating the murky waters.
Frequently Asked ACA Open Enrollment Questions - Exact Insure
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