20 Aug Cold or Flu? Tips for Recognizing Symptoms
Yesterday, you watched as Jack the IT guy ran a few updates on your laptop… and sneezed directly onto the keyboard several times. You made a mental note to grab the sterile wipes and sanitize a four square foot area once he was done, but the updates took longer than expected and the urgency of work – once you finally got back to it – pushed sanitation far from your mind.
Today, your throat hurts and you’ve noticed the beginnings of a cough.
Thanks, Jack.
The question is: is it cold or flu?
Knowing the difference can make all the difference. If it’s the flu, a quick trip to the doctor could provide the magical prescription that might decrease the symptoms and duration. But you’ve got to act within the first 48 hours. If it’s a cold, you’re looking at a solid week of feeling nasty, but, on the upside, you probably won’t feel quite as awful as you would with the flu.
Judging from your symptoms – a soar throat and coughing – it’s most likely a cold. But, if you develop a fever, headache, body aches, or chills, go ahead and schedule that trip to the doctor. Chances are you’ve got the flu. For a complete list of cold and flu symptoms, click here. While you’re at it, print the chart off and post it in the restroom as a friendly reminder to Jack (and others) that germs are best kept to ourselves.
Either way, while you’re experiencing these symptoms, do your co-workers a favor and keep your distance. You don’t want to be the next Jack the IT guy. And, of course, cover that cough and wash your hands frequently. Do yourself a favor and start drinking lots of fluids, get plenty of sleep, and avoid junk food, which depresses the immune system. Instead, fill up on fruits and veggies, which will help your body to fight the illness off. Many people also swear by products such as Airborne, or gargling with salt water or drinking lemon water. There are also essential oils available that claim anti-viral properties, such as Young Living’s Thieves oil, or Melaleuca’s Melaleuca oil.
Perhaps, the next time Jack is scheduled to look at your laptop, you’ll just slather on some oil, drink some lemon water, and gargle salt water before he even shows up. Or maybe change your suit.

Image Courtesy of CDC Public Health Image Library
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies - Exact Insure
Posted at 14:58h, 27 August[…] identified the difference between a cold and the flu in our previous blog post, it seems apropos to spend a little more time on natural cold and flu […]